"To Arms!!" Game Discussion

Shuffle Scroll Upgrades In Crawl Mode

append delete NemoRathwald

When playing in Crawl Mode, a player may spend Skulls to upgrade their Shuffle Scrolls. However, the functionality you get does not change how they shuffle! The Warrior Scroll activates its bonus only when you use it to shuffle the row. But the other Shuffle Scrolls confer a permanent effect once per turn. They are related to the Shuffle Scroll only in that you must click on the Scroll to see what the ongoing effect is.

Or you can look them up in this post!

The following info is up to date as of version 2.1.0 in the January 20 2019 update.

Ninja scroll:
Level 1: ongoing: if at least 1 ninja is played, +1 blood -1 gold
Level 2: ongoing: if at least 1 ninja is played, +2 blood -2 gold
Level 3: ongoing: if at least 1 ninja is played, +2 blood

Warrior scroll:
Level 1: bonus: if a warrior is played, +1 blood and take 1 dmg
Level 2: bonus: if a warrior is played, +2 blood and take 2 dmg
Level 3: bonus: if a warrior is played, +3 blood and take 3 dmg

Mouse scroll:
Level 1: ongoing: if at least 2 mice are played: +1 blood
Level 2: ongoing: if at least 2 mice are played: +1 gold +1 blood
Level 3: ongoing: if at least 2 mice are played: +2 blood +1 blood

Pirate scroll:
Level 1: ongoing: if at least 2 pirates are played: +1 gold
Level 2: ongoing: if at least 2 pirates are played: +1 gold +1 blood
Level 3: ongoing: if at least 2 pirates are played: +2 gold +1 blood

Holy scroll:
Level 1: ongoing: if at least 1 holy unit is played, -1 blood and heal 1 dmg
Level 2: ongoing: if at least 1 holy unit is played, -1 blood and heal 2 dmg
Level 3: ongoing: if at least 1 holy unit is played, heal 2 dmg

Dwarf scroll:
Level 1: ongoing: add a charge each time a dwarf is played. 7 charges gives a potion
Level 2: ongoing: add a charge each time a dwarf is played. 5 charges gives a potion
Level 3: ongoing: add a charge each time a dwarf is played. 3 charges gives a potion

There are currently no scrolls for Soldier, Worker, Elf, Antihero, Sorcerer, Vagabond, or Monster.

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append delete #1. Pennidren

Updates to this post (though I am not the OP):

Dwarf renamed to Gnome.

Solo scroll:
Only has 1 level: ongoing: add +1 blood if only 5 units are played, otherwise -2 blood.

Undercover scroll:
<not sure, I never buy this one>

Talent scroll:
<just released in new update; anyone have info? I am very curious, but I am in the middle of a long crawl atm>

append delete #2. Istaran

Talent scroll gives random units (not just your 12) with 1 gold discount when you shuffle, similar to buying talent scout.
Undercover gives damage for playing monsters, not sure the progression.


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